In this episode, we dive into the vault to uncov­er why this incred­i­ble music keeps draw­ing us back week after week. We revis­it tracks that reignite our love for the sound and explore how they con­tin­ue to res­onate today. These time­less songs still hold their mag­ic, prov­ing their last­ing impact. Tune in for a jour­ney that will have you falling in love with the music all over again.

Show Notes

In this episode, we dive into the vault to uncov­er why this incred­i­ble music keeps draw­ing us back week after week. We revis­it tracks that reignite our love for the sound and explore how they con­tin­ue to res­onate today. These time­less songs still hold their mag­ic, prov­ing their last­ing impact. Tune in for a jour­ney that will have you falling in love with the music all over again.


The playlist is:

"Shake And Jerk"
Billy Lamont
- Bang

"Anything You Wasn't Born With"
Ike & Tina Turner
- Tangerine

"Talk About Soul"
The Ravenettes
- Josie

"Never Had Enough Of Nothing Yet"
Ray Charles
- Sparton

"Feelin Good"
Jean Dushon
- Cadet

"I Love You Baby"
Bob Brady & The Con Chords
- Chariot

"Angel Baby"
Garland Green
- Uni

"Take A Heart"
The Sorrows
- Warner Brothers

"Beg, Borrow and Steal"
The Demotrons
- Cameo

"A Kind Of Love In"
Brian Auger & the Trinity
- Marmalade

"I'm Satisfied"
The San Remo Golden Strings
- Ric-Tic

Bobby Bland
- Duke

"I Surrender"
Fontella Bass
- Checker

"I'm So Glad"
The Fuzz
- Calla

"Love Is A Good Foundation"
Leslie Uggams
- Sonday

"Think It Over"
The Harvey Averne Dozen
- Atlanic

The Off-Beats
- Guyden

"Baby Don't Care"
Force Five
- United Artisits

"Sweet Thing"
Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames
- Polydor

"Sunshine Superman"
Willie Bobo
- Verve

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